
April 23, 2021


To earn more money! Here are 10 habits that lead to wealth.

To earn more money ! Here are 10 habits that lead to wealth.


Hard work and self-discipline

Research from the richest people who have made their fortunes almost from scratch shows that the first and most important habit that has ensured their success is hard work and self-discipline.A person works 40 hours per week on average. But it turns out that millionaires, especially early in their careers, even work 60 hours a week or more. And all of their professional efforts are focused on highly profitable activities. In general, it is their own business and businesses are by far the most important source of wealth.

There is no shortcut on the road to success. Hard and smart work, backed by self-discipline, plays a key role in the path to success.


Use your time profitably

The rich are careful with their time. Time is their most precious asset. They allocate it to the most important activities, in which money can be invested. They carefully plan and organize their daily routine and don't waste time on unnecessary things  . Successful  people enjoy their morning particularly effectively. They usually get up early in the morning, they have their own morning rituals, which include activities such as exercise, meditation, reading and planning.


Set specific goals and plans

One of the main reasons for failure, wasted time and money is unclear or unclear goals and plans. The third habit of the rich is to set clear goals and create plans that represent a compass for their activities. They constantly check their progress by choosing the appropriate methods and respecting the deadlines and standards set. Thanks to this, they work efficiently to achieve their goal. 

Successful people set goals for themselves in all areas of their lives. In addition, most of them have a big goal, this goal is the center of their existence and they focus all their energies to achieve it. Striving for this goal motivates them and gives meaning to their activities and their lives.


It might surprise you, but millionaires, especially those on the rise, don't waste money unnecessarily. They don't buy from different places. They don't even buy new cars, they prefer quality cars, but used ones. They buy what they really need. Instead of expensive toys, they buy assets that earn them additional financial benefits.

Pay attention to every detail

Habit number five is that millionaires before making a decision, they take a close look at every detail of their investments and expenses. They do their due diligence and they carefully analyze all the relevant facts, they check everything before investing any money or their time.

Millionaires do not like to waste money in vain, for they have in mind that they have earned their fortune through such enormous effort that the very thought of wasting it without analysis causes them negative emotions. They are often guided by the principle of “trust, but verify”. Therefore, their decisions are preceded by careful discernment and attention to every important detail.

Learn how to multiply your money

The sixth habit is that millionaires focus on savings. They want to both make a lot of money and keep that money to themselves. Millionaires think long term and constantly think about capital accumulation. They follow the principle: “What matters is not how much you earn, but how much you manage to keep to yourself. "

If you always think about making and keeping money, accumulating capital, you will accumulate much more than if you constantly think about spending money, having fun and buying new gadgets.

Be very productive

The seventh habit of self-paid millionaires is that they are very productive and make good use of their time. This is one of the most important characteristics. The main reason for the low productivity of some people is that they do not prioritize and, therefore, do not devote their time to the most valuable work. Successful people act differently: They use three key methods to promote high productivity.

First, people who have made millions on their own plan their daily lives in advance. They don't act if they haven't been planned. Second, they prioritize their time. Everything is carefully thought out. They often wonder, "If there was only one thing I could do today, what action would be most valuable to me?" Third, rich people constantly strive to make the most of their time.


Never stop learning

The eighth habit of the rich is to constantly absorb new ideas and strive to develop. They are constantly learning, reading and listening. On average, a wealthy person spends around 2-3 hours a day on development and information, which allows them to keep abreast of developments in their industry and expand their knowledge.

Wealthy people watch very little television, usually less than an hour a day. Instead, they read one or two books a week. They read magazines and newsletters. They download from the Internet and analyze current data in their field that may affect their ability to further increase their wealth. They are always thirsty for knowledge, they learn, develop and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Ask more questions

The ninth habit of the rich is to ask lots of questions and listen carefully to the answers. Unlike some middle class people who talk too much and say whatever comes to their mind without waiting for the right moment.

Take smart risks

The tenth habit of people who have made a lot of money is that they are willing to take risks with no guarantee of success. Their propensity to take risks is much higher than that of others. Before making a decision or taking action, they start with a thorough diagnosis and when they take risks, they do so on the basis of reliable data and reliable calculations.

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